Vodafone launches world’s largest recruitment programme for women on career breaks
- Vodafone launches the ReConnect programme to bring talented women in 26 countries back into the workplace after a career break
- Leading global initiative will increase the number of women in management roles, with around 10% of all Vodafone external management hires recruited through programme over next three years
- Vodafone Albania joins the initiative
Vodafone ReConnect programme is the program launched today by Vodafone in 26 countries including Albania. This program is designed to attract talented women who have left the workplace for several years (in most cases to raise a family) who would like to return to work on a full-time or flexible basis but are struggling to make the professional connections needed or refresh the skills required. The programme will operate across 26 countries - with a target of 1,000 ReConnect recruits within three years - and will complement other Vodafone global initiatives focused on encouraging and supporting women in the workplace including the Group’s ground-breaking global maternity policy announced in March 2015.
Vodafone is committed to increasing the proportion of women in management and leadership roles. Under the ReConnect programme, up to 500 women on career breaks will be recruited into management roles over the next three years.
Economic research commissioned by Vodafone from KPMG indicates that there are an estimated 96 million skilled women aged 30-54 on career breaks worldwide, of whom an estimated 55 million have experience at middle-manager level and above. The KPMG research also indicates the potential economic benefits associated with bringing back into the workplace all women on a career break with experience at middle manager-level and above. If all such women worldwide were able to secure manager-level employment (and on the assumption that their recruitment did not lead to the displacement of other employees), the associated value of the additional economic activity generated (in terms of Gross Value Added) could be in the region of £151 billion per year and the cumulative financial boost for those women’s households, in terms of earnings, could be approximately £419 billion a year.
Part of this program will be also Vodafone Albania. Based on data from this company, women cover 55% of the total number of employees at Vodafone Albania. This percentage shows the support and importance that Vodafone Albania gives to women empowerment and their important role in the workplace.