Internet in tablet and laptop
Internet in tablet and laptop
Can I use my Vodafone USB also in Roaming?
Yes, you can use your Vodafone USB also in Roaming.
Prepaid Vodafone customers of Vodafone Mobile Broadband (VMB), when they are in Roaming, can consume up to 100MB/day only for 720 Lekë (VAT included). After consuming the first 100MB, for the rest of the calendaric day, billing will be made according to the standard internet tarifs for prepaid when you are out of Albania.
Networks where “VMB Passport" is applied:
Vodafone Greece, Vodafone Italy, Vodafone Germany, Vodafone United Kingdom, Vodafone Spain, Vodafone Australia, Vodafone Czech Republic, Vodafone Hungary, Vodafone Ireland, Vodafone Malta, Vodafone Netherlands, Vodafone New Zealand, Vodafone Portugal, Vodafone Romania, Proximus Belgium, Swisscom (Zvicër), SFR (Francë), Vodafone Turkey, Telenor Mali i Zi, Monaco(Vala 900) Kosovë, Vipnet Kroaci, Vip Maqedoni, Vip Serbi.
To use the Vodafone USB out of the country for postpaid customers, you will be charged according to the standard tariffs of Internet for Postpaid when you are on Roaming.
Prepaid Vodafone customers of Vodafone Mobile Broadband (VMB), when they are in Roaming, can consume up to 100MB/day only for 720 Lekë (VAT included). After consuming the first 100MB, for the rest of the calendaric day, billing will be made according to the standard internet tarifs for prepaid when you are out of Albania.
- Internet in Roaming for VMB can be activated by request in our Vodafone Shops.
- You can register for free in VMB passport by sending an SMS with the text 5 to 137.
- The activation of VMB passport will be made within 24 hours from sending the SMS.
- Aftr activation, the daily bundle of 100MB will be benfited automatically and will be valif for every calendaric day that you navigate in the internet.
- To unregister from the VMB Passport service, please send an SMS with the text 6 to 137. Deactivating will be made within 24 hours from sending the SMS.
- In case your daily credit, in the beginning of the calendaric day on which you navigate, will me lower than 720 Lekë of airtime (VAT included), then this tarif plan will not be available for you. In this case, for your internet navigation, the usual standard tarifs for roaming will be applied, according to the zonal division of international networks.
- You will be notified with an SMS for the depletion of your 100MB.
Networks where “VMB Passport" is applied:
Vodafone Greece, Vodafone Italy, Vodafone Germany, Vodafone United Kingdom, Vodafone Spain, Vodafone Australia, Vodafone Czech Republic, Vodafone Hungary, Vodafone Ireland, Vodafone Malta, Vodafone Netherlands, Vodafone New Zealand, Vodafone Portugal, Vodafone Romania, Proximus Belgium, Swisscom (Zvicër), SFR (Francë), Vodafone Turkey, Telenor Mali i Zi, Monaco(Vala 900) Kosovë, Vipnet Kroaci, Vip Maqedoni, Vip Serbi.
To use the Vodafone USB out of the country for postpaid customers, you will be charged according to the standard tariffs of Internet for Postpaid when you are on Roaming.
Can I use the modem with another not Vodafone SIM Card?
No, this device works only with Vodafone SIM Cards.
What steps should I take to install the USB?
1. Remove the cover of the device, eject the SIM keeper and insert the USB SIM Card
2. Pull in again the keeper with the SIM in the device
3. Insert the USB modem in one of the USB portals in your PC or Laptop
The installation will immediately begin.
2. Pull in again the keeper with the SIM in the device
3. Insert the USB modem in one of the USB portals in your PC or Laptop
The installation will immediately begin.
The USB can not be automatically installed, what shoul I do?
Go to Start Menu, Computer and find VMC Lite *9...
Right click on the mouse and choose Setup_vmc_lite_exe, twice.
Right click on the mouse and choose Setup_vmc_lite_exe, twice.
What does the blue light that appears on my USB mean?
If this light is shown, it means that your device is operating with 3G Service.
How can I find out my USB number as I don't remember it?
Click on the device to check your USB number or you may send an SMS from the USB toward another number and get it from there.
How can I change the network from my USB?
First you must make sure the device status is Not Connected.
Go to Toolbar and click on the device, click on the antena sign and check if the color is grey as it should be.
Click on Bearer and choose the network you want to use.
Go to Toolbar and click on the device, click on the antena sign and check if the color is grey as it should be.
Click on Bearer and choose the network you want to use.
How can I configure my tablet for internet service?
You may send us a request with the details on your tablet operating system at and we will provide you the manual configuration.
Make sure APN is set as vodafoneweb.
Sigurohuni që APN e Vodafone të jetë e vendosur vodafoneweb.
Make sure APN is set as vodafoneweb.
Sigurohuni që APN e Vodafone të jetë e vendosur vodafoneweb.
Çfarë është Vodafone Mobile Broadband Hotspot?
Vodafone Mobile Broadband Hotspot është një modem i cili shpërndan internet WI-FI.
Interneti që shpërndan pajisja krijon mundësinë e lidhjes me Internet deri në 5 aparatë të tjerë që mund të jenë: laptop, aparat celular, WI-FI TV, tablet si edhe çdo pajisje tjetër e përshtatur me sistemin WI-FI.
Interneti që shpërndan pajisja krijon mundësinë e lidhjes me Internet deri në 5 aparatë të tjerë që mund të jenë: laptop, aparat celular, WI-FI TV, tablet si edhe çdo pajisje tjetër e përshtatur me sistemin WI-FI.
Si funksionon Mobile Broadband Hotspot?
Mjafton të jetë i vendosur në prizë, të jetë vendosur karta sim e Vodafone Albania (karta SIM mund të ketë VMB apo cdo lloj zgjidhje komunikim me parapagesë apo me kontratë që ka internet) dhe të shtypet butoni ‘ON’.
Si bëhet konfigurimi i pajisjes?
Herën e parë pajisja duhet konfigurar nëpërmjet një kompjuteri personal. Në mënyrë automatike do të hapet ndërfaqja nga ku mund të bëni ndryshimin e passwordit të pajisjes (fjalëkalimi fillestar gjendet në manualin e udhëzimeve të produktit) si edhe vendosjen/ndryshimin/heqjen e PIN-it të kartës SIM.
Vendosja/heqja/ndryshimi i kartës SIM mund të bëhet edhe duke përdorur një aparat celular.
Vendosja/heqja/ndryshimi i kartës SIM mund të bëhet edhe duke përdorur një aparat celular.