Vodafone More

Vodafone More is the program that rewards all Vodafone customers, based on the years they have been part of Vodafone. The program delivers surprises tailored to the customer needs and a comprehensive catalog with exclusive offers only to Vodafone customers.

With Vodafone More, you benefit VCoins for all the transactions made with us:

  • top-up

  • market_icn_Offer_badge
    Buying Bundles
  • bill-or-report
    Paying Bills
  • birthday-greeting
    Anniversaries with Vodafone
Registration is automatic! Only for being Vodafone, you get rewarded!

Risitë në Vodafone More

  • market_icn_Charity_Giving
    Gërvisht biletën dhe zbulo dhuratën!
  • main_icn_Location
    Kuponat afër meje
  • market_icn_Charity_Giving
    Shpërblim i dyfishtë

How can I use it?

You can spend the VCoins you have collected in our extended catalogue, with our most loyal partners and not only. Log in now to My Vodafone app or Juth app and dicover the coupon that is most convenient for you.

Vodafone One1

Kuponat e rinj nga Vodafone More

Kuponi Kastrati

Kuponi me 500 leke ulje per 10 litra karburant eshte i vlefshem vetem per nafte & benzine (perjashtohet gazi LPG). Cdo klient do mund te perfitoje nje kupon ne muaj duke konsideruar gjithashtu edhe sasine e VCoins ne dispozicion. Sasia e mbetur e kuponave ne te mbetur do te afishohet ne vend te dukshem brenda kuponit.

Kuponi Albsig TPL + Home

Me blerjen e sigurimit TPL te automjetit, perfiton falas sigurimin e shtepise deri ne vleren 100,000 Euro. Nese vlera e saj eshte mbi 100,000 Euto, klienti paguan vetem per diferencen.

Kuponi Neptun

Perfito 5% ulje ne produktet elektroshtepiake (perjashtohet IT dhe mobile device) dhe 2% ulje ne kategorine IT dhe mobile device. Uljet nga Vodafone More do te aplikohen edhe nese produkti i zgjedhur eshte me promocion

For more details, click Terms & Conditions Vodafone More or log in to My Vodafone App or Juth App.

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