Network Coverage
The information of the Vodafone Coverage Map, latest updated on 16/11/2018 is indicative and it doesn't show information in real time of the signal quality.
The quality of service and coverage may differ depending on the device you are using, the type of building and your specific location.
The quality of service and coverage may differ depending on the device you are using, the type of building and your specific location.
Do you have problems with calling or using the internet?
main_icn_Landline_or_Call Calls
internet Internet
main_icn_Mobile Calls & Internet
Sometimes your SIM card is not properly connected to the network.
Choose a different network manually in your phone and then switch back to the Vodafone network. Put your device off and on again for safety.
Where you are and factors such as building construction, local conditions, device and software, download source and network traffic may impact your network experience.
The following are the most common construction materials and building that impact the indoor communication
The warehouses built with concrete walls and metal construction, buildings with two or three layer glass and air between them, used for acoustic and thermal protection, elevator etc.